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Anna Crichton
May 16, 20202 min read
Dear Virus…A cartoonist chronicles love and life in the time of Covid
Here’s how I spent my weeks in lockdown. Scratching away in my studio in the bush two peculiar characters started forming in my mind, two...

Anna Crichton
Jan 4, 20207 min read
I've got to hongi a camel!
I’m in Bhuj, this desert town I mythologized about as being full of Turbaned Rabari village people and camels wandering the streets. They...

Anna Crichton
Dec 27, 20195 min read
Under the Pipal tree
I wish I was a writer and the need to write a real need. I think this blog is more a diary that I am unlikely to otherwise write in...

Anna Crichton
Dec 18, 20195 min read
"In my heart I'm a millionaire"
I must sit down and discipline myself to write before I don’t. The calling street vendor selling edible pods of dahl and tamarind water...

Anna Crichton
Dec 12, 20194 min read
Five husbands in one day in Ahmedabad
I knew I was in India when I saw a young girl of about eight (probably 15) at a chaotic major intersection performing circus like...

Anna Crichton
Nov 30, 20191 min read
Off to find the wood block carvers of Pethapur, India
Hey all of you out there who might have the time to accompany me on my next journey – I’m off to a small town outside Ahmedabad, Gujurat,...

Anna Crichton
Sep 2, 20182 min read
India exhibition 'Ragpicker at 4am'
Thanks to all of you who followed my adventures in Varanasi last year. The embroideries and wood blocking you have seen in my blog are...

Anna Crichton
Dec 10, 20173 min read
A lunch fit for a goddess
Ramesh is embroidering my final designs, and I’m out searching for yet more rikshaw canvas canopies to back them with – enhancing my...

Anna Crichton
Nov 30, 20174 min read
“…but Ma’am, if we drew cartoons we’d get put in jail.”
It’s getting cooler, very comfortably – 26 degrees once the sun is up and a very sleepable 12 degrees at night. But it’s also the start...

Anna Crichton
Nov 17, 20174 min read
There's a Rampur Hound in my bed
A most exotic creature, a now rare canine breed who once adorned Maharaja’s lives and palaces is right now sprawled on my unmade bed. The...
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